Friday, March 31, 2006

Example of WOM Creative

We were reminded of an example of Influencers creating WOM creative. As Kerry Stranman at Motivequest ( recently commented on the WOMMA ( website - "As New Balance was repositioning itself against Nike, it looked to its heritage in amateur athletics in its "For Love or Money" campaign. They created a space online & asked consumers to post pictures of themselves and tell their "everyday athlete" story. The stories that were generated ("I run because I almost lost my mother-in-law to cancer and it was the one thing I could control...") allow the consumers to feel a sense of participation in the brand, and gave the brand a level of authenticity that straight-forward advertising can't do alone."

If we all thought a bit, I'm sure we would come up with other examples. Now,if you want to get technical about it, it would be great to find out if those Influencers that visited the site actually helped New Balance reach their objectives - wonder if it was sales or pulling together the community?


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